
Weekly Update

Wow, another week gone to the wind! It seems like last week went bye really fast because we were so busy all the time practicing and stuff!
Church in the park went really well I think. Some of the kids were kinda rowdy, but that's typical. I had a lot of fun with the bounce houses and stuff (Even though most of the time we were manning them, we got to play for a little bit!) Our in-house National Guard recruiter recruited some of the NG guys to bring in a climbing wall. I only went up once (Didn't even make it to the top might I add) and my abdomen hurts anytime I laugh or cough!!! I'm such a wimp!!! Oh well. We got a lot of pictures with the bounce houses and stuff, I'll be sure to post some. We got one of all of us coming down the slide...kind of embarrassing! Anyway, onto more important things, like Last weeks prayer requests:

  • Yard Sale went well, came out way ahead! Praise!!!
  • Continued Prayer for our friend from church, she's still in a lot of pain
  • Church in the park this weekend; manpower; turnout; music [turns out we're going to be helping with the actual worship part of the service with the drums and stuff]
  • Continued for Casey and Taylor's Friend
  • Our play thing; that God would work out details
  • The School year is almost over!!! [That's a praise By the Way]

This Weeks requests:

  • Church in the Park was great! [Saturday the wind was howling and the wind on Sunday was limited to a refreshing breeze!] Good turnout! Big Praise!
  • Our friend from church was at Church in the park! [Praise] Continued Healing
  • The Play; We're thinking that Bethany is going to help us out with curtains and such trivial things. God's will
  • Tori's great-grandma w/ health issues
  • Continued praise for good weather!

Thanks again for your prayers and support!

Love Always, Tori<><

1 Timothy 4:12