

ok so I am out of school for the weekend WHOO-HOO! and so ya i am pretty excited and this weekend the youth group is having a garage sale call me a dork but they are so much FUN! expescially when we get to play with the left overs and stuff. W-O-W i feel like being totally random dont you LOOOOOOOOOOVE this PIc? I LOOOOOOOOOOVE this pic! I love Pon and Zi(those are there namesc) but they are adorable. well you heard about church in the park whoo hoo! ya well i sent in my stuff for school for next year so i am going to go the artsy school the downsides are uniforms, getting there its about 45 min away and i wont go to the same school as some of my friends like savanna and spazz and everyone else but anywho i am going to youth group tonite FUN well kinda sorta but anways hope everyone else out there is having a SUPER AWESOME WEEK mine wasnt all roses and daisies but as always HAVE A NICE DAY!
><3 Ashalee


Anonymous said...

Lol, yeah like Typewriters... I think I still have one of those papers.... Interesting to see how different things are in a Ky being in bootcamp...uh, yeah. There should be some very intersting stuff this year, seeings how there's so much stuff in general...hopefully there isn't so much underwear this time;-)