
Crazy Life!

Hellooooow Everyone! How's it going? Time for the weekly update:

Last Weeks Requests:

  • Friend from church fell and broke leg yesterday; having complications; still in hospital
  • Youth Yard sale this weekend; Lots of stuff;
  • Church in the park [our church is going to go to the city park and have church in the park as an outreach into the community]; manpower; turnout
  • Casey and Taylor's Friend
  • Praise God for the great weather we've been having lately!!!

This Weeks requests:

  • Yard Sale went well, came out way ahead! Praise!!!
  • Continued Prayer for our friend from church, she's still in a lot of pain
  • Church in the park this weekend; manpower; turnout; music [turns out we're going to be helping with the actual worship part of the service with the drums and stuff]
  • Continued for Casey and Taylor's Friend
  • Our play thing; that God would work out details
  • The School year is almost over!!! [That's a praise By the Way]

So yeah, Last Saturday was our first play rehearsal, but all we really did was read through the entire script thing... It was cool though. I'm still really excited about the whole thing, much more than my mom is though. She's less than enthusiastic about it. I got one of the four biggest parts. Way cool!!! Praising God about that, but still asking his help too because it's a lot of work! Well, that's all for now!

Luv in Him, Tori<><

Psalm 28:7