
How To Make A Cheap Date Look Good ; - )

HEY!!! It's my mom and dad's anniversary today!!! So he (meaning my dad) took her to McDonald's...... Here's the twist!!! Before church, we got a bunch of stuff together (silverware, plastic wine glasses, a nice tablecloth, candle, and my guitar). After church, we had some friends drop us of at McDonald's. (Here's the fun part ;-D) We set up the tablecloth on one of the table's, with the candle, the silverware (on a napkin), and a (decorative) bucket with water in it (for the flowers he was bringing). My brother and sister were the waiter and waitress. So they took there orders, got there drinks, ordered there food, and brought it to them!!! My dad had me play (romantic) music in the background. BUT GET THIS!!! My mom had no idea we were going to do that, so it was a total surprise for her!!! Yes, it was a little embarrassing in front of ALL those people. But it was fun, and worth it in the end!!! Anyways..... I would post pictures if I had them, but I don't. But I had to tell you "how to make a cheap date look good", so I guess that's it, see you later!!!

- Taylor*
1 Corinthians 13