
Here is comes Rolling around again!

Good week everyone, that was kinda wierd. Anyway, welcome to another wonderful week!

Last Weeks requests:

  • Our youth group still needs a leader - continued from last week
  • Hispanic friends still recovering, doing well
  • Unspoken for Casey and Taylor's friend
  • Tori's friends moved from California, praise for safe travel
  • Which Tee shirt for our youth group

This Weeks Requests:

  • Friend from church fell and broke leg yesterday; having complications; still in hospital
  • Youth Yardsale this weekend; Lots of stuff;
  • Church in the park [our church is going to go to the city park and have church in the park as an outreach into the community]; manpower; turnout
  • Casey and Taylors Friend
  • Praise God for the great weather we've been having lately!!!

Wow! I can't believe that another week has gone by!!! My brothers birthday is this week and he's turning 12! Very exciting, ya know?

My siblings soccer season ended last weekend, so that's kind of a bitter-sweet thing, bitter for them, sweet for the rest of us.... Anyway, that's all! Have a great week!