
I am sooo ready 4 summer

I am soooo Pysched for summer! I am going to SWC this year and this will be my fourth year going and one of my friends Jasmine might come and now that i have my camera i can promise lots of pictures and videos! here are some of the people who are going to be there



Third Day

Matthew West

Stellar Kart





Aaron Shust


Seventh Day Slumber


Phil Joel

Thousand Foot Krutch

The Myriad




Brandon Heath

Jars of Clay


Group 1 Crew



My Second Chance

Rush of Fools

33 Miles

Paul Wright


Big Daddy Weave


The Marcus Kenny Band

Todd Agnew

Future of Forestry

Transistor Radio

A Rotterdam November

A Current Affair

After Edmund

Remedy Drive

Pure NRG



Francesca Battistelli

So I am Totally Psyched and i will try alot harder to keep all of you updated! okay so i saw this video and it is soooo cute but the song gets stuck in your head so easily! it is right underneath all of the posts check it out! But i warn you it can get annoying!


Weekly Update

Wow, another week gone to the wind! It seems like last week went bye really fast because we were so busy all the time practicing and stuff!
Church in the park went really well I think. Some of the kids were kinda rowdy, but that's typical. I had a lot of fun with the bounce houses and stuff (Even though most of the time we were manning them, we got to play for a little bit!) Our in-house National Guard recruiter recruited some of the NG guys to bring in a climbing wall. I only went up once (Didn't even make it to the top might I add) and my abdomen hurts anytime I laugh or cough!!! I'm such a wimp!!! Oh well. We got a lot of pictures with the bounce houses and stuff, I'll be sure to post some. We got one of all of us coming down the slide...kind of embarrassing! Anyway, onto more important things, like Last weeks prayer requests:

  • Yard Sale went well, came out way ahead! Praise!!!
  • Continued Prayer for our friend from church, she's still in a lot of pain
  • Church in the park this weekend; manpower; turnout; music [turns out we're going to be helping with the actual worship part of the service with the drums and stuff]
  • Continued for Casey and Taylor's Friend
  • Our play thing; that God would work out details
  • The School year is almost over!!! [That's a praise By the Way]

This Weeks requests:

  • Church in the Park was great! [Saturday the wind was howling and the wind on Sunday was limited to a refreshing breeze!] Good turnout! Big Praise!
  • Our friend from church was at Church in the park! [Praise] Continued Healing
  • The Play; We're thinking that Bethany is going to help us out with curtains and such trivial things. God's will
  • Tori's great-grandma w/ health issues
  • Continued praise for good weather!

Thanks again for your prayers and support!

Love Always, Tori<><

1 Timothy 4:12


Exciting News!

We Officially have a new member of the Wannabegarageband! Bethany B. has been singing with us for a while, but is now an Honorary member, (We had our first official Wannabe... meeting to prove so!) So welcome to the 'family'!
We finally got some group pictures. My favorite one is set on the main page. The rest of the ones, good and bad, are in a slideshow video on our youtube account. We also added some videos of pictures of us chilling after our practice that day. Go check it out at our Youtube channel, Wannabegarageband .


Galatians 1:10


Wow!!! I can't believe church in the park is TOMORROW!!! I'm really excited about it, yet I'm really nervous! I woke up this morning and like my throat was hurting and my nose was running I was like, "NOOOO!!!" But I think it will be OK as long as I take it easy on the talking and yelling and bring plenty of water!!! I think we are going to record our special music number if not the whole worship service! It's pretty cool. I really hope the wind stops blowing though, it's howling right now!!! The only other bummer thing is that we have to be at the park at 7 AM!!! Like Before noon! Gonna hafta go to sleep early tonight. Sooo, if you know where we are and are up and awake by 10, you should come on over!!!

Romans 12:2


Crazy Life!

Hellooooow Everyone! How's it going? Time for the weekly update:

Last Weeks Requests:

  • Friend from church fell and broke leg yesterday; having complications; still in hospital
  • Youth Yard sale this weekend; Lots of stuff;
  • Church in the park [our church is going to go to the city park and have church in the park as an outreach into the community]; manpower; turnout
  • Casey and Taylor's Friend
  • Praise God for the great weather we've been having lately!!!

This Weeks requests:

  • Yard Sale went well, came out way ahead! Praise!!!
  • Continued Prayer for our friend from church, she's still in a lot of pain
  • Church in the park this weekend; manpower; turnout; music [turns out we're going to be helping with the actual worship part of the service with the drums and stuff]
  • Continued for Casey and Taylor's Friend
  • Our play thing; that God would work out details
  • The School year is almost over!!! [That's a praise By the Way]

So yeah, Last Saturday was our first play rehearsal, but all we really did was read through the entire script thing... It was cool though. I'm still really excited about the whole thing, much more than my mom is though. She's less than enthusiastic about it. I got one of the four biggest parts. Way cool!!! Praising God about that, but still asking his help too because it's a lot of work! Well, that's all for now!

Luv in Him, Tori<><

Psalm 28:7


......And We can Act Too!

Hey everyone, very exciting, last night were the auditions for a play at the community theater in town, and Casey, Ashalee and I all tried out and got a part!!!!! I actually got one of the bigger parts! Our friend Liesl tried out too, but didn't get a part and was glad because she had to go out of town like the week of the play... too bad. The only bummer things are (1 That the very last performance is the first night of our church teen camp and (2 that I have to stage kiss *EEEWWW* the frog prince......not fun. Oh well......anyways, that was all for this morning.
Like a lily among thorns is my darling among the maidens
Song of Songs 2:2



ok so I am out of school for the weekend WHOO-HOO! and so ya i am pretty excited and this weekend the youth group is having a garage sale call me a dork but they are so much FUN! expescially when we get to play with the left overs and stuff. W-O-W i feel like being totally random dont you LOOOOOOOOOOVE this PIc? I LOOOOOOOOOOVE this pic! I love Pon and Zi(those are there namesc) but they are adorable. well you heard about church in the park whoo hoo! ya well i sent in my stuff for school for next year so i am going to go the artsy school the downsides are uniforms, getting there its about 45 min away and i wont go to the same school as some of my friends like savanna and spazz and everyone else but anywho i am going to youth group tonite FUN well kinda sorta but anways hope everyone else out there is having a SUPER AWESOME WEEK mine wasnt all roses and daisies but as always HAVE A NICE DAY!
><3 Ashalee


Church in the Park

Hey Everyone, our church is doing a church-in-the-park! it's exactly what it sounds like, we're gonna pack up our church stuff and go to our city park and have church there. We did it last year and it went very well! This year, we (our wannabegarageband+our friend Bethany) are gonna do a special music number and thought we would invite everyone! Well, I guess everyone who knows where we are... sorry everybody else. Anyway, after the actual service part, we are gonna have lunch of hot dogs and hamburgers, then we'll have some inflatables and some fun stuff like that. You're welcome to come, I think the Youth Group is gonna be manning the inflatables and the other stuff like that and in theory we'll have our Youth Group shirts done by then so you will be able to tell who we are!!! Hope to see you there!
Proverbs 31:30


Here is comes Rolling around again!

Good week everyone, that was kinda wierd. Anyway, welcome to another wonderful week!

Last Weeks requests:

  • Our youth group still needs a leader - continued from last week
  • Hispanic friends still recovering, doing well
  • Unspoken for Casey and Taylor's friend
  • Tori's friends moved from California, praise for safe travel
  • Which Tee shirt for our youth group

This Weeks Requests:

  • Friend from church fell and broke leg yesterday; having complications; still in hospital
  • Youth Yardsale this weekend; Lots of stuff;
  • Church in the park [our church is going to go to the city park and have church in the park as an outreach into the community]; manpower; turnout
  • Casey and Taylors Friend
  • Praise God for the great weather we've been having lately!!!

Wow! I can't believe that another week has gone by!!! My brothers birthday is this week and he's turning 12! Very exciting, ya know?

My siblings soccer season ended last weekend, so that's kind of a bitter-sweet thing, bitter for them, sweet for the rest of us.... Anyway, that's all! Have a great week!

ha ha ha ha! Love this pic! and.. COOL BAND ALERT !

ok when i first started this post i was supposed to use a different picture and have a whole different title but i saw this picture instead and i LOOOOOOVE this picture it is me in a box except for instead of saying it I would sing about it! And even if people call you dumb or stupid or ditsy or anything else you can always know that someone believes in you and that with god you can do anything! so I Am A NINJA! (Hypothetically speaking....) anywho one of my friends told me about this band and i just have to say the ROCK! This is there picture if you go on the last song on our playlist there they are! listen to these guys they are pretty awesome!
><3 Ashalee


Total Slacker

This is me, total bad Tori, didn't post on Monday!!! And it's what? Wednesday? Bad Tori!!! Though I do have a valid excuse, I was sick. Yes I was really sick, not just faking to get out of going to school (like some people, cough cough, not naming names...cough) Cause I ended up doing my school that afternoon anyway:-( Anyway, I'll get on with important things, like the prayer requests:

Last Weeks Requests:

  • Our youth group needs an actual 'Youth Leader'- that God would bring the right person forward
  • Our friends sister - visiting - praise for safe travel
  • Hispanic friend - doing very well, still healing
  • Unspoken for Casey and Taylor's friend
  • Unspoken for Tori's friends

This weeks requests:

  • Our youth group still needs a leader - continued from last week
  • Hispanic friends still recovering, doing well
  • Unspoken fro Casey and Taylor's friend
  • Tori's friends moved from California, praise for safe travel
  • Which Tee shirt for our youth group

I think that does it for the week. Anyway, so my dad printed the tee shirts for a church that we go to on wednesday nights a few days ago. That was interesting. This is the last week of my siblings soccer games. Sad. Anyway, not alot happening this week.

Like a lily among thorns
is my darling among the maidens.
Song of Songs 2:2


How To Make A Cheap Date Look Good ; - )

HEY!!! It's my mom and dad's anniversary today!!! So he (meaning my dad) took her to McDonald's...... Here's the twist!!! Before church, we got a bunch of stuff together (silverware, plastic wine glasses, a nice tablecloth, candle, and my guitar). After church, we had some friends drop us of at McDonald's. (Here's the fun part ;-D) We set up the tablecloth on one of the table's, with the candle, the silverware (on a napkin), and a (decorative) bucket with water in it (for the flowers he was bringing). My brother and sister were the waiter and waitress. So they took there orders, got there drinks, ordered there food, and brought it to them!!! My dad had me play (romantic) music in the background. BUT GET THIS!!! My mom had no idea we were going to do that, so it was a total surprise for her!!! Yes, it was a little embarrassing in front of ALL those people. But it was fun, and worth it in the end!!! Anyways..... I would post pictures if I had them, but I don't. But I had to tell you "how to make a cheap date look good", so I guess that's it, see you later!!!

- Taylor*
1 Corinthians 13

"Horton Hears A Who"

Hey! I went to the movie theater last night with Bethany. But there really wasn't anything to see (as usual). So we went to see "Horton Hears A Who", and it turned out better than I thought it would! It was hilarious, and the storyline was pretty good too. I have to say that my favorite part is when the Mayer decided to trust in what he doesn't see. I also like the fact that the Mayer was willing to stand up for what he believed in, under persecution. Sound familiar? It reminds me of our everyday christian walks with God. To believe in what we can't see, and to stand up for what we believe in, EVEN WHEN IT HURTS!!!!! The Mayer made a difference in that ONE small town. How much bigger of a difference can WE make in this whole WORLD!!!!! If all of us stood up for WHAT WE BELIEVED IN, and TRUSTED IN THE ONE LIVING GOD TO MAKE A CHANGE!!!!! I don't know about you, but I think it's time for a change. I hope y'all go see it too, cause it was an awesome movie!

- Taylor*
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
-Mathew 28:18,19