
Much needed update

Wow! It's been a long time since we've posted! Lots going on. So we are finishing up with the play, The Frog Prince. Originally it was Casey Ashalee and Tori acting, Taylor was the stage manager and Bethany was doing tech, but Ashalee had to drop out and Taylor is filling in for her. It's going really well. The next thing on our summer schedule is our church camp next Monday! It's up in the mountains, which gives us a break from the heat! It's usually about 10-15 degrees cooler up there. This is Taylor and Bethany's I think third year at teen camp, but the first time for Casey, Ashalee and I (Tori). I'm really excited about it, and I assume the same for the rest of them. Right after she gets home, Bethany has to leave to go out of town for almost the rest of the summer with her family to their summer home, in places much cooler than here! Good for her. Well, I better get going, sorry about the wait!
Tori, Wannabegarageband <><