

Well we are a whole bunch of slackers......

To get you back up to date, We have been way busy..... We finished our play, that went very well... Immediately after the play we left for teen camp....... That was amazing! We learned a whole lot...... After that was junior camp...... and during junior camp Casey went on a trip with a couple from our church to a bajillion and one places...... After that was middle school camp...... After that we had a group from Oklahoma come out and help us with VBS, well techinicly we helped them with our VBS...... After that we had a youth group from a little town called Brush, it's in Colorado.... That was this week.... And tomarrow we are going to Sonfest, a thing up north... Then we are done with the summer..... I can hear the hallelujah chorus now.... Well I think I'm done taking up your time now so I'll let you go......

The Wannabe's
Psalm 3
A psalm of David, written when he fled from his son Absalom.
LORD, how numerous are my enemies!
Many attack me.
Many say about me,
"God will not deliver him."
But you, LORD, are a shield that protects me;
you are my glory and the one who restores me.
To the LORD I cried out,
and he answered me from his holy hill.
I rested and slept;
I awoke, for the LORD protects me.
I am not afraid of the multitude of people
who attack me from all directions.
Rise up, LORD!
Deliver me, my God!
Yes, you will strike all my enemies on the jaw;
you will break the teeth20 of the wicked.
The LORD delivers;
you show favor to your people.