
Man, this is sad...

Wow...what a slacker I'm turning out to be! Anyway, this week has been really crazy with stuff like testing [see my blog for details] and such trivial things...
Last week's prayer requests:

  • Church in the Park was great! [Saturday the wind was howling and the wind on Sunday was limited to a refreshing breeze!] Good turnout! Big Praise!
  • Our friend from church was at Church in the park! [Praise] Continued Healing
  • The Play; We're thinking that Bethany is going to help us out with curtains and such trivial things. God's will
  • Tori's great-grandma w/ health issues
  • Continued praise for good weather!

This weeks requests:

  • The Play; memorizing, practicing, making time to practice
  • Band; some internal stuff that needs prayer
  • Direction for band
  • Continued for Tori's great-grandma
  • Motivation for those still scooting toward summer break!

Anyway, I thought I would do that before I just don't do it at all...cause I'm bad about stuff like that.... Anywho, God Bless!



Quick Prayer Request

ok guys quick prayer request: our pastors son got in a car accident and car rolled. we think he is ok but the guy who was driving is in pretty bad shape they had to life fly him, his pelvic bone was shattered and he has a wife and kids so please pray for them.

Romans 12

Well would you look at that!!!

Hey Everyone, I have officialy made my own blog! You can check it out . It doesn't have much yet, but I'm working on it!


Happy May!

Here's to a great May month! Make the most of it!
[This is a picture that I took of our neighbor's roses, these are my favorite kind!]
Love Always, Tori<><